It is very important to order the correct number of rolls, as colors may vary between lots (read more about lot numbers here). Please don't hesitate to email us at with the dimensions (height and width) of each wall you'd like to paper and we can calculate how many wallpaper rolls you'll need. As a general rule of thumb, each wallpaper roll covers approximately 45-50 square feet once trim and pattern repeat are factored in, but this can vary depending on wall height and other factors.
You can also use our online calculator to determine how many rolls your space requires.
How to determine the number of wallpaper rolls you need:
1. Measure your walls: Make sure you have an accurate measurement in inches of height and width of the portion of the wall you'll be covering. Sometimes it helps to draw a rough sketch to use while you do your calculations.
2. Determine the number of strips you'll need: Our traditional wallpapers are 27" wide and our pre-pasted wallpapers are 24” wide. Once you have the width of your wall in inches, take the width and divide by 27 (for traditional) or 24 (for pre-pasted). This will give you the number of strips of wallpaper that you will need. Remember to always round up!
3. Determine how many strips you can get out of a roll: This can be the tricky part as it depends on the repeat of your wallpaper. The repeats on our wallpapers vary between 18" to 36", so be sure to check the product measurements.
- To determine the approximate number of repeats per roll, divide 360 (30' times 12") by the repeat of your wallpaper.
- Take the height of your wall in inches and add 4-5” to account for trim on top and bottom. Then divide by the repeat—this will give you the number of repeats you need in each strip.
- Then divide the number of repeats per roll by the number of repeats you need per strip which will give you the number of strips you'll be able to get out of each roll.
4. Last, just take the number of strips you'll need from Step 2 and divide by the number of strips you can get out of a roll. Again, always round up!
Please note that if you are wallpapering a wall with a door or window, that square footage rarely factors into the calculation, unless it is a significant portion of the wall.